Monday, July 17, 2006

Dreamhost Downtime Disaster - Day 4

S0 it's now been 30 hours since Dreamhost posted any updates on, my sites are still dead or close to non-functional, and this all started for me Friday afternoon with lack of FTP functionality. That makes this day four - DAY FOUR - with little or no access to my websites. This is way beyond acceptable now, and the response from Dreamhost support has been incredibly slow. A brief, vague update every 10 hours has turned to no updates at all.

If you have been considering switching to Dreamhost, DON'T. The mere chance of this type of episode recurring - 4 days of outage to all sites -should give anyone pause. They have no phone support on their average plans, and thus you are left with their status page, which they are SO slow to update (and now seem to have stopped updating altogether). Ugh.


Blogger smiller said...

And now their web panel and web based email are down too...

"We’re having some problems right now with our firewall for public websites we have that connect to our private internal databases.. we hope to get it fixed soon, but in the meantime, and (and are down.

We’re doing our best to get it all better ASAP!"


Wow, what a nightmare. And it's officially going on its 4th day now.

4:21 PM  

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